Rare Zero Liability for Defense in Motorcycle Accident

Rare Zero Liability for Defense in Motorcycle Accident

Supporting Counsel: Defense
Services: Expert Support, Trial Prep, In Court Technology Support, Video Presentation & Editing, Trial Services

Expert witnesses can make or break a case. Their extra level of insight can paint a very different picture of available evidence. In this case, JURIS LTS worked with Expert Witnesses to provide legal tech expertise – experts for the experts. We distilled information, created illuminating video and easy to understand graphics, and simplified the sharing of large quantities of data.

Plaintiff claimed in this two-week trial that the defense, a slow moving, unmotorized vehicle, was the cause of a motorcycle accident which caused both serious personal injury and total property damage. JURIS LTS assisted in:

  • Working one-on-one with the expert on technical issues saving precious attorney hours for case development
  • Developing animations; organizing computer generated expert info; editing videos; and developing a high quality expert presentation from nearly 6000 exhibits
  • Presenting presentations, side by side videos, stills from videos and more during live court
  • Pulling portions of the expert’s presentation and incorporating them into a highly compelling closing argument

Ultimately, handling the technical details, made it possible for the expert to make it clear – at an eighth grade level – that from any angle, a vehicle moving three miles an hour could not have been liable for this accident. One hundred percent liability was placed with the Plaintiff. Zero negligence for the Defense. $0 of $19 million in damages awarded.