Verdict for Investment Company Vs Condo HOA in Breach of Contract without a Contract


Supporting Counsel: Plaintiff
Services: Trial Prep, Courtroom Tech Equipment, In Court Technology Support, Video Presentation & Editing

This case took place in a courthouse built in 1925. JURIS LTS, an expert in trial presentation, provided, set-up and operated all modern equipment for their law firm client, including a projector, screen, monitors for the attorneys and a document camera. 

Opposing counsel arrived with no equipment and was forced to share.  Defense attorneys fumbled with the unfamiliar equipment throughout the trial: 

  • Sharing their unsubmitted desktop files repeatedly and risking a mistrial,
  • Plugging and unplugging an HDMI cable to manage screen sharing,
  • Trying to play video, but post-objection having to turn off the volume and hunt & peck, and
  • Scrolling and utilizing Pgdn in search of documents, creating a persistent strobe effect on screen.

In contrast, Plaintiff attorneys had a JURIS LTS expert in the courtroom to: 

  • Manage, locate and seamlessly share documents
  • Edit and repurpose video behind the scenes to meet objections
  • Share all documents with all attorneys on individual monitors as needed, discreetly.
  • Highlight specific language in the HOA Declaration with the State of Florida on screen in a manner that was the determining factor in the case.

Ultimately, the professionalism and cool, confident presentation of the evidence, combined with the weight of the declaration, obtained a verdict for the Plaintiff, even though there was no contract in place. In addition to an award of $1M, $500K was awarded in pre-judgment interest as well as all attorneys’ fees.