$42M International Arbitration of Construction Breach of Contract

Supporting Counsel: Defense
Services: Virtual Arbitration Support, Arbitration Documents Hosting, Review & Support
In this case, JURIS Litigation Technology Solutions assisted defense counsel by managing, hosting and orchestrating Trial Director throughout an 10 day Zoom Arbitration involving parties from five different countries.
JURIS LTS insured that live international testimony was shared seamlessly in real time across all parties in a Zoom arbitration setting involving at times, 12 different participants. Defense required multiple user views and screens as well as a widescreen group camera for the arbitrator to see the entire group and individuals at the same time. Noise cancellation features were employed by JURIS to optimize speaking parties in turn. Defense, with JURIS help, had no issues with controlling sharing, utilizing breakouts and inviting parties planned and on demand by phone and video. Troubleshooting individual party connection or file issues was coordinated by JURIS as well to remove distraction and reduce delay for the attorneys.
Preparation for this complex arbitration was reduced from days to hours as exhibits were easily organized in Trial Director tabs with page, exhibit and contract section numbers, then brought up on cue by JURIS LTS. Cross examinations were prepared on the fly and documents quickly accessed through Trial Director.
In contrast, opposing counsel utilized PDF documents resulting in long waits, confusion and disorganization.
The Arbitrator awarded less than a third of the ask.